
Here are some articles that are written by us and others that we respect. Please feel free to share them with whomever you like. May God Bless you and set a fire under you as you read.

Articles By Kerrigan

Coming Out of the Closet by Kerrigan Skelly- Which group is more bold in their message these days: Homosexuals or Christians? This article takes a look at two men and the burial of Jesus Christ.

Check Yourself by Kerrigan Skelly- A look at the book of 1 John. This article was written with two intentions: 1) To expose counterfeit Christians so they can come to the knowledge of their lostness. Then they can repent, trust the Savior and truly become Born Again. 2) To give more assurance to those who truly are Christians. Even those of us who truly are Born Again are attacked by satan with doubts at times. God Bless you as you read...

Stepping Out In Faith by Kerrigan Skelly- Is God calling YOU to step out in faith into full-time ministry? Is He calling YOU to leave your secular job and trust Him to provide for you as you spend the rest of your days reaching out to the lost? Ever since Kerrigan stepped out of the Pastorate in faith to become a full-time evangelist back in October 2005, many people have asked him for advice on this issue. Well, here it is! Even if you aren't called to step out in faith, Kerrigan has some words for you too.

Articles By Others

Open Air Meetings by R.A. Torrey- A comprehensive article written by Torrey back in the 19th century. He covers just about every topic possible when it comes to open air meetings.

Using Gospel Tracts by R.A. Torrey- Another pretty comprehensive article written by Torrey back in the 19th century, yet it still applies very much to today. Everyone and anyone should and can hand out Gospel Tracts! There is no excuse Christian!

How To Deal With Those Who Have Little Or No Concern For Their Souls by R.A. Torrey- The title of the article says it all. R.A. Torrey speak about how to deal with people who have no concern for their destiny.

Directions to Sinners by Charles Finney - From Finney's Lectures on Revival. This is lecture #18. It is dealing with what a Christian should tell a sinner who wants to be saved.

The False Comfort of Sinners by Charles Finney - From Finney's Lectures on Revival. This is lecture #17 and it deals with the ways Christians can give sinners a false comfort.

Means to be Used With Sinners by Charles Finney - From Finney's Lectures on Revival. This is lecture #9 and it deals with what the Christian's message should be to the sinner and other tips for witnessing to them.

To Win Souls Requires Wisdom by Charles Finney - From Finney's Lectures on Revival. This is lecture #10 and Finney gives some wise counsel to soul winners in it.